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The Royal Academy of Engineering UK has agreed to extend financial support to a Project submitted by the Institution of Engineers Mauritius for financing under the GCRF Africa Catalyst Programme. 

'Engineering Capacity Building through Accreditation of Engineering Education'

The brief below attempts to inform IEM members of two recent events which have great potential to reshape the professional engineering environment in Mauritius.

IEM has invited the Professional Engineering Institutions established in Mauritius requesting their collaboration on the initiatives it has launched. The Aeronautical Society of Mauritius and the Representative of ICE in Mauritius have already agreed to extend support.
IEM has also informed various stakeholders (Government, TEC, Universities, etc.) of its proposed venture. 

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The Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM) is honoured to announce to all its members and all stakeholders concerned with the Education, Training, Professional Development, and the Employment of engineers in Mauritius, that the Royal Academy of Engineering UK, has approved to support an initiative of the Institution of Engineers Mauritius aimed at Building Engineering capacity through the Accreditation of Engineering Education in Mauritius, under the GCRF Africa Catalyst 16/17 Scheme, where in our Institution was in competition with sister organisations from 49 Sub-Saharan countries.

Engineers Against Poverty collaborates with Institution of Engineers Mauritius.

The Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM), in competition with PEIs from 49 other Subsaharan countries, is among the applicants whose submissions have been approved for funding by the Royal Academy of Engineering under the GCRF Africa catalyst Scheme 16/17. 



Our members are by now aware that the Institution had put in an application for funding a project on Engineering Capacity Building to the Royal Academy of Engineering UK (RAEng) under a Scheme called the GCRF Africa Catalyst, which was launched on 14th September 2016 during a Conference of the Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) hosted by the Academy at Savoy Place in London.The theme of the Conference was 'Engineering for a Better World - Capacity Building in the Developing World'.


Letter from the President to mark the commencement date of a Project on 'Building Engineering Capacity through the Accreditation of Engineering Programmes' undertaken by IEM with the collaboration of Engineers Against Poverty (UK), with the support of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) under the Africa Catalyst Scheme 16/17.

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